Can’t have it both ways

Editorial Board

Try as he might, President Bill Clinton just can’t have it both ways.

He can’t say he supports the rights of all Americans to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and then deny a minority group those rights.

He can’t say he supports a discriminatory, blatantly hateful piece of legislation, and then say it shouldn’t be used as an excuse for discrimination.

And he sure as heck can’t sign a bill into public law and keep it a secret.

He tried all of these things.

He signed the abhorrent “In Defense of Marriage” Act that denies voting American citizens who happen to be homosexual the right to marry whom they choose as their spouse.

By signing this bill into law, Clinton has endorsed anti-homosexual rhetoric that is based on the individual personal belief that homosexuality is dirty, sinful, abominable, etc.

The rhetoric is based on the illogical assumption that a homosexual marriage somehow attacks the sanctity of a heterosexual union.

It’s a line of thought he says fits his own views.

Yet he urges Americans to not use this legislation as an excuse for discrimination or violence against homosexuals.

How ironic, considering the very existence of the bill that Clinton has signed is in and of itself discriminatory toward homosexuals.

Not only that, but Clinton chose to officially sign the bill a little after midnight last Saturday, a time that would ensure minimal news coverage.

White House spokesman Mike McCurry said, “Given the motivation of the bill, it is appropriate to sign the bill in the middle of the night.”

So not only does Clinton talk out of both sides of his mouth on the actual intent of the bill, he is too cowardly to even sign it when America would be watching.

This is a leader? A man who endorses discriminatory, prejudiced, ignorant behavior and then hides from those he should be answering to?

At the very least, the very least, equally prejudiced anti-homosexuals that have supported this bill in the Republican-dominated Congress have the courage (or maybe it’s stupidity;, it’s sometimes hard to tell the difference) to publicly display their intolerance.