Hub still needs added food selections

Jeni Nosbisch

Because of the Hub controversy, I just had to look into the Hub.

It looked nice, except for the scarcity of seating. I would assume you can use the microwaves for your own food from home. The wait on the three of those couldn’t be much longer than if you had to wait in line at a “fast-food” counter of any kind, but if it were, you could just stack more on top of them, expanding to six.

I would also recommend expanding the selection. Instead of five Coca-Cola machines and a Fruitopia or two, put in more food case machines.

One whole one could be devoted to salads, which half of the present one is, and another whole one could be devoted to microwavable foods.

Some suggestions on those: microwave burgers, microwave fries (except that the fries are as much packaging as potato), chicken or pork sandwiches, Hot Pockets or some take-off thereof, soup cups, and just more entrees in general. The selection of meal trays was very limited (I counted four).

I think adding food to the Hub is a good idea.

If I spend my whole day in the science buildings, or if I have poor scheduling, I might not have time to go to the Union, let alone brave the line in Friley.

Jeni Nosbisch

