Roll with the Round Guy

Sara Stewart

Students will be rolling with laughter when they check out the Round Guy, comedian Steven Pilchen, at Johnny Orr’s Comedy Court starting tonight and continuing Saturday, Sept. 14.

Many Cyclones will recognize the Round Guy from his appearances regularly on Des Moines’ KGGO radio morning show with Lou and Larry. Pilchen is on the show periodically as a sidekick who is known for off-the-wall activities.

“I just do crazy things on the show,” Pilchen said. “I report from a cell phone a lot and this week I’m reporting from a pancake eating contest I’ll be in.”

Pilchen started doing comedy 11 years ago at the Quad Cities’ Funny Bone Comedy Club before moving to Iowa. The Funny Bone franchise got him the start he needed as it linked him to performing his comedy act around the country.

He said he has been around to see comedy hit some severe highs and lows around the country.

Pilchen said that about two years ago, television began being saturated with comedy hits which caused the closing of many comedy clubs around the country.

Fortunately, he said television has taken a drop off for a comedy source and the popularity of comedy clubs are increasing.

“Comedy is like everything, it has its peaks and valleys,” he said. “I think it’s on the rise right now.”

The “Round Guy” is not only known from the local stand point, but from a big screen angle as well. Students may have watched Pilchen in films such as An American Love, Brothers, and Rookie of The Year.

Pilchen’s act takes an off beat look at everyday life by mixing magic, juggling, and impressions into his comedy act.

Recently he performed an opening act for the first football pep rally on campus. This Ames comedy favorite claims to be a huge fan of the ISU football team.

“I am the newest and biggest Dan McCarney fan by at least 40 pounds…even after last week. I wish them well this season,” he said.

Pilchen wants Cyclone fans to come out and see him. Showtime for both performances is 9 p.m. Doors open at 8 p.m.

For more information or reservations to see the Round Guy, call Johnny Orr’s at 233-0244.