Another injustice to man

Jill Kunert

I thought that the article, “Paranoia runs amok in anti-homosexual bill,” published in Wednesday’s Daily, made some very valid points.

I am unable to comprehend how a nation built primarily on the concept of personal freedom can decide that it is not within its citizens’ rights to choose whom they wed. If the government suddenly declared that it would not honor interracial marriages, or marriages where there is more than a nine-year age difference between the spouses, there would be mass revolt, so why do people think it’s okay for the government to dictate what is right, and proper and permissible in the private lives of homosexuals?

The government is implying that because homosexuals aren’t the norm, they aren’t entitled to the same rights that the rest of America enjoys.

Homosexuals are just another minority that the close-minded members of society today find frightening.

When are we going to learn from the mess we’ve made of race relations over the years and make use of that information to avoid further injustices to fellow members of the human race?

Jill Kunert

Ames, IA