Martens strays from the point

Marsha Harmon

To (Steven) Martens:

I believe you strayed from the most important point in your article which was mentioned in the first sentence.

The homosexual community wants FEDERAL recognition of same-sex marriages. They want to be able to be treated the same as a heterosexual family in regards to medical insurance, income tax purposes and any other “benefits” they would derive financially from being a “married” couple.

It is not that they just want their lifestyle to be recognized. If they just wanted that, there are plenty of churches in the United States that will “marry” them and that believe that they will be married in the eyes of God. If that is all they want, is to be “married,” that is available to them.

The Mormon religion believes in a man having more than one wife even now in many literal believing members and temples in their religion. The Federal government does not allow them to deduct more than one wife on their Federal income tax or to list more than one wife on health insurance. We all know that bigamy is against the law, and that even goes against one of the foundations of the Mormon religion.

I am not homophobic. I have worked with people who were openly homosexuals, both male and female. I have been a part of organized sports where many lesbian females were participants.

I have never shunned or bashed them, but I have, when asked or felt the opportunity to, related to them that I believed that their lifestyle was wrong. I believe it to be morally wrong, but I also believe that they should be shown the love of God.

Many people choose to live their lives in a manner that people don’t agree with or is against the law. They have to realize the consequences of their lifestyles and make a decision as to whether they want to continue in that vain.

I don’t believe your parallel to the racial discrimination issue is accurate. I don’t believe people feel superior to homosexuals.

I believe they believe it is a lifestyle that is wrong, just a they believe the lifestyle of a child molester, thief, embezzler, child pornography or drug pusher is wrong and should not be recognized as right in any way.

I know there is an organized group of homosexuals here on campus. I would not turn away anyone wanting to talk.

Marsha Harmon


Iowa State University