Unstoppable Davis earns praise from peers

Chad Calek

In Iowa State’s 45-31 win over Missouri on Saturday, Tigers’ Head Football Coach Larry Smith got to watch a great player have an even greater day.

Cyclone tailback Troy Davis made NCAA history by running for 378 yards on 41 carries, which rates as the third best rushing effort in the history of Division I football. Davis also scored four touchdowns while bringing his rushing total to 917 yards. Davis, who was in fourth place on the national leader board in rushing, now leads the nation in rushing with 227.2 yards per game.

“We couldn’t stop Troy Davis. He’s a great back. He was the difference in the game. Many times we had someone there to stop him and he got away. What can I say? He’s a great player,” Smith said.

So how good is Troy Davis? According to coach Smith, Davis is just great.

“Is he the best I’ve ever coached against? I wouldn’t say that. I would say that he’s simply a great player. Great players have great games,” Smith said.

While Smith thinks Davis is great, ISU teammate Joe Parmentier is quick to spread his opinion of Davis, which goes far beyond greatness.

“I think he is the best football player I’ve ever seen. He is so quick and strong, and he is also the toughest guy I’ve ever met. I think he’s the best. I watch the NFL and I don’t see anybody do what he does,” Parmentier said.

Davis gives all praise to his offensive line.

“They did the work. If they weren’t blocking, then I couldn’t do any of it. They deserve the credit,” Davis said.

While Davis credits his offensive front, Cyclone offensive lineman Tim Kohn declines credit for Davis’ efforts.

“I give him credit for all 378 yards. If there was a back behind us only half as good as Troy, then it wouldn’t have happened. He is the most incredible back I’ve ever heard of or seen. Sometimes I have to remember to go downfield and block for him because I get too busy just watching in amazement,” Kohn said.

“No matter what happens, Troy just does what he does. Nothing surprises me anymore. You could probably expect a 500 yard game out of him. Anything with Troy is possible.”

Davis, who has totaled 94 carries for 619 yards and nine touchdowns in the past two games, is considered by many as a legitimate front runner in the Heisman race.

But Davis doesn’t even think about wining the prestigious trophy.

“I just want to win games. It’s not even in my mind. It’s like in the back of the dictionary,” Davis said.

Davis and company will now have a bye week before hosting Texas A & M on October 12. According to Davis, he doesn’t really need the rest.

“[Running the ball] never tires me out. I love running the ball. That’s my game. But I’m not selfish. We can pass the ball sometimes,” Davis said with a chuckle.