Hey, Troy, what’s the rush?

Editorial Board

Three hundred seventy-eight yards. That’s a lot of yards.

Think about it: That’s almost the equivalent of four football field lengths.

See if you can do it. Go out right now and see if you can run 378 yards.

Without stopping.

Bet you can’t.

Sideways, long ways, short ways — all rushing. Carrying the ball with obstacles in front and behind. Achieving the 3rd highest rushing yardage in college football history.

Troy Davis is 5 feet 8 inches tall. Lain out head to foot, he would have run close to 200 lengths of himself.

A Swingline stapler is seven inches long. Davis ran 1,944 staplers Saturday. Don’t even ask how many staples that is.

A condom wrapper is about two inches in diameter. Davis ran 6,804 condom wrappers.

A 1993 Chevrolet Corsica is around 15 feet long. Davis ran 75.6 of those Saturday. Most would have chosen to get a ride in the Corsica for that length.

The Empire State Building is about 417 yards tall. Davis ran approximately 91percent of that on Saturday.

378 yards is a lot of yards. The Iowa State Cyclones and Davis allowed for it to happen.

Great game, guys! A record-setting performance, by college football’s best running back, heck, its best player, topped off with a winning streak for the first time since 1989. What more could a Cyclone football fan ask for?

So if you see him sometime on campus this week, do what Missouri and pretty much the rest of the nation have failed to do: stop Troy Davis. And congratulate him.

1,944 staplers is quite a lot of staplers.