Get to know Dave tonight

Emily Mcniel

Like a lot of musicians, Mike Himebaugh started a band when he was in college. Unlike a lot of musicians, he actually graduated.

Well, almost. He went to graduation but didn’t quite go the whole nine yards. He didn’t receive a diploma because he didn’t pay his library fines. He still hasn’t paid the fines.

It’s not a big loss, though, to Himebaugh. Now the lead vocalist of an up and coming Midwestern band called Hello Dave, he loves what he’s doing. He wouldn’t trade his job for a regular nine to five anything.

Neither would Mike Hall, lead guitarist for the band. All he needs to do to find motivation is to look around at the options.

“All we have to do is see all the people that get up at 6 a.m., drive to the office, go home at 5 and go to bed at 9:30 and say, ‘not!'” Hall said. “We love what we’re doing, it’s not even like a job. We’re just like kids.”

But people who work in offices don’t usually have the occupational hazards of those who spend a lot of time singing in bars. People in offices generally don’t have things thrown at them. Things like beer bottles.

But don’t worry. Chicago based, Hello Dave isn’t about be knocked off the stage by a beer bottle or two. Hello Dave is a feel good band, and they plan on staying that way.

“We’re not one of those bands full of angst and anger,” Himebaugh said. “If we can make the people in the crowd have a good time, then we have a good time.”

It’s that laid back attitude that gives Hello Dave such a big following with a large cross section of people. The band is real. It’s just a bunch of guys who like to make music and want to make you happy— and dance a little in the process. They’re not into leather pants and trying to get on MTV.

“We’re not going to show up in studded leather. We’re going to show up in the same clothes we wore in the van for the past 30 hours,” Hall said.

Another reason Hello Dave consistently fill the bars when they play is the wide range of music they produce. Self-described as alternative, country, funk rock and roll, the four piece band with Willis Pockit on bass guitar and vocals and the new guy, Rez, on drums, will roll in to People’s Bar and Grill tonight.

To keep their original presence, the guys have their own record label, Mountain Records. The venture gives them the freedom to do what they want. The latest CD, West, has been called the “best disk yet.”

But for those who can’t wait for the follow-up to West, you needn’t be inpatient. The next disk,due out sometime late this year, is going to try to bring in more of the band’s live sound and energy.

For those who definitly can’t wait, you can join Hello Dave for some good music at People’s tonight, but only if you promise not to throw anything.

Show time is 9:30 with the Billys opening. Just $3 gets you in the door. And, you already know the routine, you must be 21 with an ID to get in.