In other business:

Daily Staff Writer

* The board approved to allow the Committee Against Violence to use both north and south tables on the ground floor of the Memorial Union Oct. 7-10, to allow them to leave their bulletin boards up overnight and to waive the requirement that the tables be staffed the entire time. The committee will have articles written on the bulletin boards about violence and invite anyone to post their thoughts on the boards as well. They will also be distributing buttons and accepting donations.

* The board unanimously approved to allow College of Family Consumer Sciences to put table tents out on Sept. 25 for their career day.

* There will be a meeting Thursday at 5:30 regarding World AIDS Day in the Red Lounge.

* “Roger and Me” was the best attended SUB film so far, with 120 people present.

* M-Shop Reservations Policy, which has been repeatedly tabled for years, was unanimously passed. “It’s just one of those discussion items that never got discussed,” said one of the board advisers.