What are DPS’ priorities?

Leana Benson

In response to Kristin Kernen’s September 24th article about the vandalism problem on campus: I think I know the real reason for the problem…the failure of DPS to be in the parking lots patrolling the area.

Yet they do seem to find enough time to monitor the parking lots behind the old RCA.

They always seem to be there in case someone spends more then 30 minutes in the loading zone, or parks in the lot behind Elm Hall for longer then five minutes.

And I never once saw the DPS out at the stadium when I had to park out there and tromp the many miles (or so it seemed) back to my dorm.

Perhaps if the DPS spent less time patrolling the area around the RCAs every five minutes and bothered to go out to the stadium every once in a while, there would be a lot less vandalism.

Leana Benson


Journalism and Mass communication