Tips for getting back into an academic routine
Danielle Peterson/Iowa State Daily
Sophomore Emily Gilbertson finds a warm place to study in Lagomarcino Hall November 12 drinking some coffee.
January 20, 2019
Mind still on vacation mode? Find it hard to get back into a set routine with a new schedule?
Here are some tips and tricks on how to get back into the groove of school and make your second semester even better than the first.
Your body might still be used to the routine of sleeping in until noon, eating sweets and doing absolutely nothing until it was time to return to your beloved bed. If you’re still feeling sluggish, what your body might need is some exercise.
Exercise can help improve your mental state, and can make you feel more energized than before. Implementing exercise into your daily routine can also encourage you to drink more water, which is always a plus. Water can help beat the sluggishness you’ve been feeling over break.
While setting a scheduled time to go to bed seems nearly impossible, do it when you can control it. This will help instill that you’re sticking to a routine even if it is just one night a week. Creating a bedtime routine that includes showering, washing your face and brushing your teeth seems like something one naturally does.
However, organizing your school bag, laying out your clothes and ensuring that you’re ready for the next day can also be great additions to any routine. This will also help to make you feel more prepared and make your morning routine unravel with ease.
Using your time wisely and not leaving homework until the last minute may be a hard habit to stick with, especially as the semester goes on. Using a planner to ensure that you’re not forgetting any assignments or vital to-do’s on your list helps to maintain a sense of control in a chaotic life.