City billboard regulations are in the works

Tracy Call

Billboards on Lincoln Way like Brenton Bank’s, Pizza Kitchens’ and Arby’s may be the last allowed in the heart of Ames.

An ordinance is pending that would restrict many billboards.

“I feel the billboards on concentrated areas, like Lincoln Way for example, are not appropriate,” said Ted Tedesco, City Council member.

He said the billboards have a purpose — to advertise a product while giving directions — but they should be located in the outskirts of the city.

“They are not needed in the middle of the city,” Tedesco said. “Establishments have posted signs outside their business. That should be enough.”

Many of the billboards in Ames were constructed about a year ago. The standard size is 300 square feet.

The proposed ordinance would slash the size.

“The billboards that are already up are allowed to stay up,” said Eric Jensen, planning and zoning intern, “but if for some reason they would have to be replaced the ordinance would require the new sign to be a smaller size of 200 square feet.”

The number of billboards, height, lighting and locations may also be regulated.

A billboard can not exceed a 50-foot vertical dimension from the bottom of the monopole to the top of the board’s highest point. Also, the lights that are directed upward are to be shut off between midnight and 6 p.m.

Each billboard could also be no closer than 600 feet from another and must be within 250 feet of any roadway interchange with either Interstate 35, or Highway 30.

The ordinance states that until all billboards within the city conform to the new regulations, a new billboard cannot be erected in the city unless another billboard, which does not conform to the regulations, is first removed.