Agronomy Day is set

Laura Baitinger

The latest research at the Iowa State Agronomy and Agricultural Engineering Research Farm will be on display Thursday during the second annual Agronomy Day ’96.

There will be five main tours lasting one hour each from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Participants may partake in several tours including topics such as water quality, corn and markets, forage management and crop diseases. Tours will also involve the 25-acre Crop Diagnostic Training Laboratory.

Bob Hartzler, associate professor of agronomy and coordinator of the event, said the tours are balanced and all of them have information people will be interested in.

“Agronomy Day gives people out in the state the opportunity to see research projects and extension activities,” Hartzler said. “The majority are farmers and industry people who come for the opportunity to learn something.”

The event will feature 70 different research projects with more presentations on management, crop breeding and forages from last year, said Regis Voss, extension agronomist and publicity director for Ag Day ’96.

About 35 posters and displays will be set up to show research projects. Research equipment and 15 commercial exhibits will also be on display.

“Agronomy Day gives people a better idea of what research is being worked on. They may pick up ideas for what they can work with,” Voss said. “I think there are people interested in what ISU does with its research money.”

Voss said more than 1,300 people including farmers, agribusiness representatives, crop consultants, interested citizens and vocational ag students attended last year’s field day. He said most people are from central Iowa.

Hartzler said many of the participants are ISU graduates that may have lost touch with the research projects.

He said the presenters tried to gear the tour stops and posters to the general public and not just at other researchers.