Celebrate tonight’s eclipse with a star party

Jeff Carrier

Tonight you can party like it’s 2000. Jan. 20, 2000 to be exact. That’s the next date Iowans will get to see a total lunar eclipse, except for tonight.

Tonight marks a total lunar eclipse as well as a conjunction of the moon and Saturn.

The Ames Area Amateur Astronomers are hosting their monthly star party at 8 p.m. to celebrate the event. The theme of the party is “Total Lunar Eclipse.”

Lee Anne Willson, professor of astronomy and physics here at ISU said the eclipse presents a rare opportunity for Ames residents to witness first hand the amazing accuracy of science.

“We might get eclipses a couple of times a year,” she explained. “But this one is significant because it’s total and is visible from Ames.”

Dave Oesper, president of AAAA the moon will turn a “copper or deep red” color as the transition takes place.

He added that the best times to view the eclipse are starting at 8:12 p.m. with the partial eclipse and when the entire moon will be within the earth’s shadow at 9:19p.m.

“The best time to see it, though, is mid-eclipse at 9:54 p.m.,” he said. “It’s visible with the naked eye and you can even see it in town.”

Oesper said the fact that Saturn is just two degrees away from the moon is an “added bonus.”

“It will be quite evident,” he said of the planet. “Anyone looking at the moon will see a bright object and that will be Saturn.”

The AAAA program is scheduled to take place at the McFarland Park Observatory. Participants should bring binoculars and dress for the weather.

The event will be canceled if the moon is not visible due to cloud cover.

No registration or fees are required. For more information about the AAAA and this star party, contact Dave Oesper at 232-8705 or the Story County Conservation Center at 232-2516.