Poster Children ride the wave into Ames

Ben Jones

The Poster Children are forefathers of a unique type of music they call Post Wave.

According to their press release, “Post Wave is what occurs when punk rock makes it into the Top 10, Dan Rather writes for Rolling Stone and your mom listens to the same radio station as you.”

With such an eccentric description of their sound, what should students expect from the concert?

Lead singer Rick Valentin said, “People should come to the show because we play live music very well.” He’s positive the show will be entertaining and the audience will have fun.

They cite Husker Du and the Minutemen as major inspirations. At times, their sound is reminiscent of such groups as the Pixies, Apotheosis and Mother Love Bone. But it goes far beyond that. As the group is quick to point out, they “don’t worry about being compared to any cataloged old bands.”

The Children will mostly be playing new songs in preparation of recording their upcoming CD in October.

The disc will be enhanced so owners can run it on their personal computer, similar to Primus’ Tales From The Punchbowl.

“We’ve always aimed to incorporate technology into music without becoming a techno band,” Valentin said. “We love the actual act of playing live; the experience is wonderful. Techno music takes the emphasis off of performing.” This would be disastrous for a group who “wants to make a living playing.”

The Poster Children will be performing at the M-Shop tonight at 9 p.m. Ticket prices are $6 for non-students and $5 for students with a fee card and picture ID.

The group promises to deliver a solid set with plenty of new songs to tide over older fans.

“The new songs bring new sounds,” Valentin said. “This is definitely one show that students do not want to miss.”