RCA dining hall gets fixed up

Jennifer Newcomb

The students in the Richardson Court Association received an extra “Welcome to Food Service” like no other this year when they returned for the fall semester.

The Oak-Elm Dining Center was redecorated this summer, making a completely new eating environment for the students who eat there.

When students left last year the dining center was orange and brown. This summer, it went under a “face-lift” of sorts and emerged a brighter dining center with the new colors of blue, pink, green and purple.

Also added to the dining center were new carpet and more comfortable chairs.

Although new students may not understand the change that was made, they may appreciate the brightness.

Ranae Petersen, a resident of Elm Hall, said, “It makes you feel more welcome. I like it.”

Janelle Janssen, another Elm Hall resident, added,”It looks much nicer, but it is less practical with carpet.”

Stewart Burger with food services said that every other year, one dining center gets redecorated and this year it was Oak-Elm’s turn

“We had a interior decorating firm from Des Moines do the job for us. One of the decorators was a former Iowa State University student,” Burger said.