Professor to leave lasting ‘Impressions’

Kris Fettkether

There are times when teacher becomes student. There are times when onlooker becomes performer.

For Iowa State associate professor of music George Work, this is one of those times.

Work, a cellist, will host a recital Sunday, Sept. 8 in the Music Hall Recital Hall on the ISU campus.

Work described his show as “purely classical.”

“I don’t know a lot about jazz or rock,” he said. “Not enough to be good at that anyway.”

The program will include Beethoven’s “Sonata Op. 102 #1 in C major,” Debussy’s “Sonata,” and Richard Strauss’ “Sonata Op. 6.”

He will also perform the world premiere of a piece written expressly for him by composer Jeremy Beck.

“Iknow him and told him I liked his work,” Work said. “I was looking for a solo piece, a cello solo without piano.”

And so “Impressions” came to being.

Work said that although he is a teacher, he also practices everyday. He said the only way to be an effective teacher is to also be a pupil.

“In order to be the best teacher you can be, you need to teach yourself well,” he explained. “Teachers are often students too.”

As a student and teacher of the cello for over 30 years, Work’s instrument is the center of his art. His cello, made in 1800, is “well maintained.”

“The bow, which is made of horse hair, has to be replaced often,” he said. “But the body has a very long life span. Sometimes longer than people.”

The recital is part of the Faculty Recital Series and is free and open to the public.

It begins at 7:30 p.m. Work will also be joined by ISU faculty pianist Helen Marlais.