Oh, the horror of it all

Editorial Board

Iowa State alumni will be gracing the university with their presence over the upcoming Homecoming weekend.

As students make preparations for their arrival, considerations should be made to show how environmentally conscious current students are.

Comical questions to ponder: Could Homecoming be killing the planet? Is it our job as students to save it?

For example, these Homecoming floats are a great idea, but perhaps an alternative energy source should be used to power them.

Gasoline engines use non-renewable and polluting resources. How about using animal power to carry the floats down the street? A horse-drawn float would be nice, but then there’s that whole methane problem. And it would take a lot of hamsters running in those little wheels to move a float.

Lawn displays usually have wooden frames. How many trees are mercilessly killed — even slaughtered, to support a display that won’t be up for more than a week? The humanity of it all.

Are alumni car pooling? We don’t think so.

The influx of traffic will clog already crowded roads and cause delays in transportation. This could hinder both students and residents in their struggle to make it on time to work or class (should they choose to go).

Mass campaniling is always a GOOD thing. But the wax used in lip balm is not easily recyclable and should be banned from kissers.

And kissing promotes sex. Scientific research has concluded sex can lead to pregnancy in some cases, creating children that will eventually attend this institution and create more alumni. A vicious circle.

The keen eye does not readily notice the connection between the campanile and the destruction of the world.

We here at the Iowa State Daily ask — no, beg — both students and alumni to keep in mind these pressing, pressing concerns during Homecoming, and maybe look at safer, more environmentally conscious endeavors to help remember and acknowledge those before us.

Note: We are completely joking in this editorial. We like Homecoming, and we’re pretty sure the planet is no worse off because of it.

We wish members of the Iowa State University community and their friends and family a happy Homecoming.

Go ‘Clones!