Iowa State choirs to serenade in style

Vernon Johnson

Nearly 300 students will serenade couples and entertain others as six Iowa State University choral ensembles embrace each other’s style in the Great Hall, Sunday afternoon.

“We’re bringing all our university choirs together so that they [performers] can see how each works,” said ISU music professor, Robert Molison.

“We have the largest number of students that I have seen in many years,” he added.

The Collage of Choirs will showcase the talents of the performers and the new permanent professor, Ray Salucka.

“The idea of a collage is more to get the students to sing for each other,” Molison said.

Audience members will seated in the center of the surrounding performers. ISU’s University Chorus has 95 performers and the Oratorio Choir has 100.

Others performing include the ISU singers, the Chamber singers and the Men’s Glee Club.

There is usually a large audience in attendance each year Molison said. Many people like to say one group is better than the other after the last note has been heard, but Molison said this is not a competition.

“Well, yes, there is a little competition,” he said, “but this isn’t the place for it. We’d rather draw everyone into one circle.”

Molison said adding Salucka as a permanent faculty member is exciting and good for the department

“Salucka, I think, will make a big impression on campus life and I think the students really enjoy him,” he said, noting that one of the headlines of the concert should be the new professor, Salucka.

This year’s concert occurs ahead of the usually scheduled date of Parents Weekend. Molison said there was a conflict because Parents Weekend changed to November instead of October.

Anyone wanting to attend the Collage of Choirs can be entertained for free at the Memorial Union’s Great Hall Sunday, Sept. 22 at 2p.m.