Casino fun for the whole family

Editorial Board

Parents have usually found it difficult to find a good child-care facility for their kids.

But look no longer. Parents can now drop their children off at a Council Bluffs child-care facility at a rate of only $3 per hour while they spend time at the Ameristar Gambling Casino down the hall.

Kids Quest, Iowa’s first child-care facility at a casino, sees an average of 442 kids per week and can hold 240 kids at one time. Its busiest hours are Friday and Saturday nights from 7 to 10 p.m.

Kids ages six weeks to 12 years-old go to Kids Quest and generally spend two hours there. Although there is no limit on the number of hours the kids can stay, Iowa law states that drop-in facilities like Kids Quest cannot keep children for more than 50 hours a month.

Also, Kids Quest has invited parents to bring their children for four hours, two of which are free, by offering them a promotional coupon. This easily allows parents more time for gambling.

Although Kids Quest is designed to be fun for kids, with attractions such as Legos, Duplos, building blocks and a ball bath, there is a much larger issue at stake. The concept of leaving the kids with the babysitter while Mom and Dad go out is nothing new. At least it is a better option than leaving the kids at home alone.

At Ameristar, which is open 24 hours a day, Kids Quest is the babysitter. For its cheap rate, it’s worth it, but parents must be willing to put a limit on their activities.

The appealing image of the gambling industry is an activity that many enjoy. However, it is an image that is capable of turning one into a gambling addict.

So where does this leave the kids? More hours at a day-care facility doesn’t hurt. But at the same time, its wrong for parents to sacrifice valuable time they could have with their children, if they already haven’t, for their own pleasure.

Kids Quest is a good resource to have for parents who go gambling at Ameristar. But its a service for them that shouldn’t be abused, especially in a casino which never closes.

Parenting, especially of babies and toddlers, is a heavy task in itself. At the same time, parents have every right to reserve recreational time for themselves, but it should be done in moderation.

Besides, if Mom and Dad spend too much time gambling away their money, the kids may end up being raised in a child-care facility.