Sue the tobacco companies

To The Editor:

Robert Zeis writes, “…those Surgeon General warnings must not be noticeable enough eh?”

While I agree America is getting way too sue happy, much to the lawyers’ glee (parasites of society—but that is another issue all together), Rob, it would be one thing if I had a cig today and next week I died; I would agree with you completely.

But the people dying are our mothers, fathers, grandparents, etc., who usually started to smoke at the ripe old age of a teen-ager for some reason or another about 30 plus years ago.

The Surgeon General’s warnings on cigs didn’t come into play until the mid 1960’s and, in case you are buying into this election year bullshit, nicotine is addictive (and I’m a registered Republican).

Anyway, the point is either you have never smoked or you have been living in a cave and do not know of any smokers on first name basis.

My friends who smoke have tried to quit many times and I would say about 95 percent of them still do.

If you still don’t believe the addiction is real you should visit my wife who is an R.N. at Des Moines General Hospital on the cancer floor and sees these people who are fighting cancer and still trying to smoke…

She told me of one instance where an elderly gentleman, after being warned several times, lit up a cigarette while breathing in pure oxygen…

Needless to say there was a little fire around his face.

I hope they sue the crap out of the tobacco companies.

Tim R. Benson


Chemical Engineering