Man charged with assault at Union

Kristin Kernen

Department of Public Safety officials charged Ali E. Khalil, 46, with assault on Monday afternoon, following a report from a woman who had been with him at the Memorial Union Hotel.

John Tinker, of DPS Investigative Services, said the woman had gone to a hotel room in the Union in order to receive a massage from Khalil.

“When he attempted to do more than indicated, the woman was able to leave the room and contacted Public Safety directly,” he said.

Tinker said, “(Khalil) was possibly associated with the university at the time of the incident, but not on a permanent basis. I believe he is gone now.”

Khalil was charged with assault, which is a simple misdemeanor. A $100 fine and up to 30 days in jail are the penalties for a simple misdemeanor.

Officials at Memorial Union said they were unaware of the incident, and that no incident report was filed.