Relieve stress at the YWCA

Amy Siverson

Stress. Definition: mental or physical tension.

Better definition: you have a final in a class tomorrow and the only time you went to that class was to get your syllabus.

No matter what you do, there is no way to avoid stress. It’s inevitable. But the YWCA is now offering two classes that will not only help relieve stress, they will also make you feel a lot healthier.

The first class offered is Yoga. Many may have a mental picture of a woman with long, braided hair, wearing a leotard that escaped from the 80’s. She has somehow wrapped her entire torso into a pretzel. In some cases that’s accurate.

But that’s not always the case.

“Yoga is a wonderful aid in helping students discover their limitations and abilities.”Jan Michell, class instructor, said.

Yoga helps to utilize almost every muscle in the body. And through practice students are also taught how to deal with stress as it hits certain areas of the body.

“An important detail about yoga is that it teaches you to relax when you feel tension,” Mitchell said. “not to handle all your stress at the end of the day,” Yoga provides a release from stress, physical harmony and in the long run a better functioning body a press release said.

Another class the offered by the YWCA is closely related to Yoga. Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese teaching, is considered to be a healing exercise.

“Tai Chi is like a dance; slow, smooth, movements that when completed you feel like you have stretched every muscle in your body,” Executive Director of the YWCA Judy Dolphin said.

Tai Chi improves circulation, balance and helps to relieve tension. “While listening to new age or nature music you move your body,” Dolphin said of Tai chi. “When you are done, you often feel very warm and quiet,”

Yoga, along with Tai Chi, provides healthy and legal ways to deal with your stress.

The YWCA offers Yoga and Tai Chi as a service to students, faculty and community members. For more information about enrollment in Yoga or Tai Chi call the YWCA at 294-1663 or stop in at 15 alumni Hall.