Point of information
August 26, 1996
Thanks much for the article you ran on using AccessPlus on the Web. (p. 11A, August 26, 1996).
The article was very thorough and explained the WWW version of the AccessPlus system very well.
There was one error that may cause students some difficulty, so a printed correction would be helpful.
The third paragraph from the end of the article gave instructions on how to log into the system.
The parenthetical phrase at the end of the paragraph indicated that students may obtain their four-digit access code from their advisers.
This is NOT correct information for AccessPlus.
To log on to AccessPlus on the WWW, students must enter their social security number followed by their four-digit University PIN, i.e. the PIN that goes with the student’s ISUCard.
Students who have forgotten their University PIN may request that it be reset or changed by presenting a picture ID in the Office of the Registrar, 214 Alumni Hall.
The four-digit access number that advisers provide to students each term is used for registration and schedule changes only, and is referred to as the RAN (or Registration Access Number).
We are very pleased with the early success of the WWW version of the AccessPlus system as indicated by these usage statistics.
Thanks again for your help in getting out the word on the new service.
Kathy Jones
Associate Registrar