Council looks to regulate touching at strip joints

Tracy Call

Look, but don’t touch. Lap dances at local Ames clubs may soon be regulated due to concerns by the police.

The ordinance to regulate physical contact between entertainers and customers passed its first of three city council readings earlier this week. Clubs such as Blondies and the Krypton Club could be affected by this ordinance.

“Past investigations have showed that the activities that go on in these clubs have led to some prostitution,” said Sargent Jim Robinson of the Ames Police Department.

There were several complaints brought to police attention along with a pending case against a dancer at Blondies which was filed in June.

There is an argument that if a dancer were to touch the customer, it would lead to prostitution or assault. By preventing physical contact, it is the idea that sexual arousal will be eliminated.

“This plan needs to be effective and enforceable,” said Herman Quirmbach, city council member. “The ordinance has too many loop holes, and it can’t prevent a dancer from getting close, within inches.”

The ordinance does not prevent contact unless police can prove it was intended to sexually arouse the customer, and intent is probably the hardest to prove Quirmbach said.

“I disapprove of this kind of activity, but I don’t agree on the legislation,” Quirmbach said. “It isn’t a reason to make it illegal.”

A public health issue was brought up relating to the amount of clothing the dancers wear and disease transmission.

Rick Nut, representing the Krypton Club, said he wants his club excluded from the ordinance. He said that since the club is a liquor- licensed establishment, the women are fully clothed at all times, unlike clubs like Blondies which have juice bars that allow the dancer to be completely naked.

Attorney Ron Cable appeared on behalf of Blondies.

After receiving a copy of the ordinance the day of the council meeting, he urged the council not to wave all three readings.

City Council members will be meeting again next month. For more information call city hall at 239-5105.