Tickets to Iowa-ISU football game sold out

Daily Staff Writer

If you want to get tickets to the Iowa-Iowa State football game at Kinnick Stadium in Iowa City on Sept. 14, get ready to pay a little extra at the scalping line.

According to Mike Burke, the University of Iowa’s assistant ticket manager, tickets for the intra-state rivalry have been sold out since the first of this month.

“They went pretty fast. Right now it’s our only sell-out, but we’re 90 percent full for the rest of the games,” Burke said.

Burke did not have statistics to compare how fast this year’s ISU-Iowa tickets went, but he did say tickets went faster this year.

“With all the things Coach Mac (Dan McCarney) is doing down there, and with the running back Troy Davis, things are very exciting at Iowa State,” he said. “On the other side, the Hawks are going to a better team this year, too. So I think it’s a combination of two teams that are expecting to be a lot better than last season. Expectations are high. Things are pretty exciting at both schools.”

Another reason reason for the quick sell may be McCarney’s roots. McCarney was a team football captain at Iowa City High before attending Iowa and becoming a team captain for the Hawkeyes.

“I think that has something to do with it. He (McCarney) is known around here,” Burke said.

The game will be broadcast nationwide by ABC.