RCA residents evacuated for false fire alarm

Kristin Kernen

The smell and sight of smoke brought the Ames Fire Department to Roberts Hall in the Richardson Court Association residence halls late Monday night.

There was no fire and no one was injured. However, Birch, Welch and Roberts Hall, which are connected, were all evacuated. Mike Sauer, a resident of Welch Hall, said students were told of the fire and kept out of their buildings for about an hour.

Loras Jaeger, director of the Iowa State Department of Public Safety, said the call was received at about 9 p.m.

The Ames Fire Department sent three trucks to the area, but turned two away after no fire was discovered. The smoke had dissipated by the time firemen reached the building.

Jim Judy, assistant director of residence halls, said the smell came from a storage room housing paint and telecommunications equipment.

Officials discovered a computer board had burned up, which created smoke, but there was not a smoke alarm in the room. Heat sensors were located in the room, but the heat that emanated was not enough to set them off.