Ames police modernize car logos

Vernon Johnson

The Ames Police Department is carrying a new logo on its cars that brings them into a modern look without costing the department more money, Chief of Police Dennis Ballantine said.

“We were looking for visibility and recognition,” said Paul Hinderaker, director of equipment services.

He said the old logo was in existence for nearly 30 years. He said it was difficult for people to tell the difference between the Ames police and other branches such as the Department of Public Safety and the Story County unit.

“Now, when somebody sees the Ames police, they know it’s the Ames police,” Hinderaker said. “You can see the logo from over a block away.”

The cost to put the new logo on the cars is the same as before, said Sgt. Mike Campbell.

“It was incorporated into one graphic design,” he said. “It was about $225 per car for the graphics. With some of the other stuff there was an increase in cost because all that stuff is leased.”

The other stuff is the new siren and switch panel that will be incorporated into this modern look for the Ames police cars. Light bars are other fixtures that will be new to the cars, but not many people will notice the change, Hinderaker said.

“Everything is hidden,” Hinderaker said. “This is the new direction.”

What many people will not see is the new opticom emitter that will sit in the center of the light fixture. The emitter allows the cars to change the lights from red to green.

Hinderaker said this will help give the police force a clearer operation.

The change came about by a committee consisting of equipment service and police department personnel. Campbell was part of the committee.

Changing the look of the cars began Aug. 19, 1996 and Hinderaker said he believes the process will be finished by mid-September.