New vice president for enrollment chosen

Amanda Fier

The vice president for enrollment, a new position at Iowa State, has been chosen.

David Bousquet, formerly the director of undergraduate admissions at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, will coordinate undergraduate recruiting at ISU. Bousquet also will be in charge of the ISU Undergraduate Recruitment Coordinating Council.

Officials from the admissions office, the financial aid office, campus visits and orientation and special recruitment programs will report to Bousquet, who will then report to Tom Thielen, the vice president for student affairs.

“We believe units in this cluster have a lot in common with one another and we are trying to bring coherence to these units,” Thielen said.

Thielen said that before the creation of the new vice president position, the various offices did not report to one individual. The new format will involve more of the university rather than only admissions.

Bousquet was at Virginia Tech for ten years where he helped with integration of four offices into a collaborative enrollment operation. Prior to his employment there, Bousquet spent more than eight years working student service positions at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

His educational background includes a B.A. in sociology and an M. Ed. in higher education administration at the University of Massachusetts. He will receive a $93,000 salary for his work at ISU.