He shoots, he scores!

Chad Calek

The NBA Draft came and went. Jess Settles went back to school and Chris Kingsbury is now no different than when he left high school. Degree-less, mature-less and even worse, a failure on the court.

But what was he expecting? An actual shot to prove his abilities.

No, the league isn’t into seniors anymore. They’re into high schoolers, college freshmen and European players.

Some may ask why? Some, like myself, may know why.

So I’ll give you 10 reasons. Here they are —

First reason: I didn’t declare myself eligible for the draft. I know, I know, the league really missed out on me.

When I come, I come with the thunder. I come to game! I can ball, baby!

Second reason: Young kids equal a long and profitable relationship. Did I mention they can make a great deal of money for the teams they play for. Oh yeah, they can pull in lots of revenue.

And the last reason is that the high schoolers can really rake in the dough over the course of a couple of years.

Third reason: Europeans play defense, something that is missing from the league unless you have your hair painted red and sport a ring in your eyebrow.

Fourth reason: High schoolers equal a great amount of money over an extended period of time.

Fifth reason: Most college players are looking at signing huge deals with monster signing bonuses.

High schoolers are happy being able to eat at McDonald’s or Jack in the Box.

Sixth reason: European ballplayers are fundamentally sound to the point of ugliness.

While the Europeans may not have the pretty shot, the windmill dunk or the killer crossover, they are fundamentally solid and help their team to victory, thus, selling tickets.

Seventh reason: Did I mention that if a high schooler has true skills that work in the NBA, he will gather a great deal of funds for the team of his employment.

Eighth Reason: Europeans have cool names.

You know, like Kolakov Porchinko, Vladamir Stultz, Tony Kukoc, Will Purdue and Victor Alexander.

Fine, you caught me. Alexander and Purdue aren’t European, but they should be.

Ninth reason: The ninth reason the NBA is looking to youth and Europeans is that the likes of Chris Kingsbury and Jess Settles throw themselves out in the draft bowl. Who else are they going to take?

Tenth reason: Youthfulness in the NBA equals a bankload of money. Bottom line!

You see, the league is not about anything but money.

Sure they want their teams to win. Why? Because the spirit of competition drives them? Or is it to make money?

I think we all know the real reason behind the “youth movement” in the NBA.

So to all those little eighth-grade standouts, hire an agent. You could be next.

Chad Calek is a journalism major from Persia, Iowa. He is the sports editor of the Daily.