Just the facts, please

To The Editor:

I am writing in response to your July 9 article headlined, “Underage

Drinking Is Up.”

Oh, really! That is quite a bold headline, the type that journalists often use to blow statistics way out of proportion.

The article describes “an increasing drinking trend in Ames.” As proof, stats showing a 14 percent increase in possession by minors, a 25 percent increase in minor on the premises, and a 31 percent increase in overall citations are presented.

That settles it. More minors are drinking in Ames now than they did a year ago, right?

Give me a break.

Chief Dennis Balantine believes that this trend only “…partially reflects the efforts of the police department’s Special Operations Unit.”

Now, let’s analyze the stats and look at the facts. According to your

article, “…underage drinking has increased slightly over the past few

years, but has remained relatively stable in this decade.”

Do you seriously think that 30 percent more minors drank in Ames this year? Is there some other factor that would account for this dramatic increase in violations?

The Special Operations Unit accounts for the entire increase in violations. There aren’t more minors drinking, just the police are looking harder.

Next time, look at the facts before you print a sensational headline like that.

Jacob Martzahn


Chemical Engineering