Kiss and Make Up

Editorial Board

Iowa State Daily Editorial Board: Tim Davis, Jamey Hansen, Tim Frerking, Chris Mende and Keesia Wirt.

The war is now moving into its 10th month at Iowa State. The September 29th Movement troopers are as well entrenched as are their opposition. With this stalemate frustrations are rising and there is no progress. There is a silent player of this conflict as well, whose simple action can bring this to an end.

The Iowa State University administration is, of course, that silent player. Since the beginning of this entire episode the university has fallen short of making a definite statement on where it stands about Catt Hall.

What the administration says is not nearly as important as the fact that a firm statement is made. Whether it be a declaration that Catt Hall be renamed, put to a student vote, or declared there will be no change — period, something must be done.

The September 29th Movement will not go away as long as they still have a cause and a rallying call. Those in opposition to the 29th’ers will oppose as long as there is something to oppose.

All that is needed is for the administration to step in and stop this conflict. Issue a definite statement. Make it a compromise statement, including a plaque which gives both sides of Carrie Catt’s actions. Make it a statement changing the name back to Botany Hall. Make it a statement that Catt Hall will remain Catt Hall. Whatever it be, make a statement and end this quagmire.