Gov. Branstad appoints a new regent

Bill Kopatich

Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad has appointed James Arenson of Cedar Rapids to fill a vacant position with the Iowa State Board of Regents.

Arenson will fill the seat of Thomas Collins, who resigned in May.

Arenson’s appointment is still pending approval from the Iowa Senate. The Senate does not meet again until January, but Arenson will occupy the position until the Senate reconvenes.

Arenson received a bachelor’s degree in political science at the University of Maine after graduating from Waterloo East High School. He has owned Arenson Motors in Center Point since 1977. He received his law degree from the University of Iowa in 1995 and is currently volunteering as an assistant county attorney for Johnson County.

“Jim Arenson has one of the most unique backgrounds I’ve seen,” Branstad said in a press release. “He lived overseas when his father was in the military, built a successful auto dealership, entered law school at the age of 43 and spends part of his time today as a volunteer assistant county attorney.”

Eric Woolson, press secretary for Branstad, said the governor is very excited about the appointment.

“The governor is very impressed by his credentials. He believes Arenson will be a terrific choice for a regent addition,” Woolson said.

Woolson also said anyone in eastern Iowa knows how successful Arenson is as a businessman and a volunteer.

“Mr. Arenson really is a very unique, very special type of person. Any businessman who is interested in law and decides in his 40s to get a law degree is a remarkable person,” Woolson said.

He said the governor had quite a bit of flexibility as to who should be named as the replacement regent. He said the Branstad, decided on Arenson, in part, because of his Cedar Rapids background — a quality Collins had that Branstad wished to to carry through to the next appointee.

Woolson said the appointment is effective immediately and Arenson will serve until 1999, at the end of Collins’ six year appointment.

“The governor has known him over the years and knows Jim as a very confident, enthusiastic fellow,” Woolson said.

Arenson expressed his excitement in being named to the board.

“I’m honored to have the governor’s confidence, and I look forward to confirmation by the Iowa Senate,” Arenson said in a press release. “The Board of Regents has consistently shown a commitment to excellence in education and has taken many steps over the years to make Iowa regents institutions models for providing quality educational opportunities.”