New prefix for RCA phones

Sonja Rice

The old Richardson Court Association residence halls will soon be receiving new phone numbers.

“We’re running out of numbers,” John Kingland, director of telecommunications, said. The dorms will now have a 296 prefix instead of 294. The change will free up more numbers for campus phones.

“The university had 294 historically for the campus, and as the university has grown, historically the residences have been converted over,” Kingland said. The telecommunications office wants to keep all of campus on the same 294 prefix.

This procedure began when the Towers were converted to the 296 prefix 11 years ago. Since that time, many numbers in the Union Drive Association have also been changed.

Currently, only old RCA is being converted. However, RCA Office Coordinator Pam Scandrett said the new RCA will be converted at a later date.

“This has gone smoothly in the past,” Kingland said, and he doesn’t anticipate any major problems with the switch. A letter was sent out to the students to make them aware of the change.

“The only problem I see is just remembering to dial a six instead of a four,” Scandrett said.

Kingland said the work is usually done over the summer to help accommodate the residence halls. The project is almost complete except for Buchanan Hall, which will be finished by the second week of August. The new numbers will be installed in time for students to move in for fall semester.