A Bit of Hub History

To The Editor:

I have only one question, why put a Mcdonald’s in the Hub. Doesn’t anyone care about the history of Iowa State University?

I recently watched a film done fifty years ago showing the beautiful architecture on our campus. I tried to imagine down the road another fifty years. The camera panned across the beautiful green yard showing the Campanile, Beardshear Hall, Memorial Union and then, of course, the beautiful golden arches of the Mcdonald’s. I know the arches aren’t going to be there but it is just the principle of the thing.

I started working at ISU in 1962, after arriving here from Pennsylvania. I thought the campus was one of the prettiest places I had seen. The grounds were like a park.

I picked the mail up at the old hub and had to fight with the combination to get the mail for the Purchasing Office, but it is a fond memory. I know you can’t fight progress, and the almighty dollar is so important these days. But how very sad we

have to be to resort to this.

I’m not too crazy about the remodeling at the Union either, but don’t get me started. Guess I am just old fashioned.

Rosemary Fjelland

Loans Clerk

Receivables Office