That ISU pride

To The Editor:

For the last four years, I have been a proud Iowa State student.

When I first saw the campus, I knew that I was home, because it was so beautiful and undisturbed. But future freshmen aren’t going to have that experience, thanks to the administration.

Now they are going to see a beautiful, historic building that smells like grease and has a roach and trash problem. What’s next? Are you going to replace the statue at the Memorial Union Fountain with the Golden Arches?

In fact, I was so proud of this school that I took a job as a fundraiser, and part of my job was to sell the bricks in the Plaza of Heroines.

I talked to many families that were eager and willing to spend at least $100 to honor the women they loved and respected. In fact, I had one family ask my advice about the phrasing they were using on the brick. And to see their love and respect covered up for political reasons is ridiculous.

Please take a little advice from someone who talked to the people who bought these bricks. They weren’t doing it to honor Carrie Chapman Catt. They were doing it to honor YOU. They wanted the world to know what a wonderful person you are.

If someone loved me enough to spend that kind of money, I sure wouldn’t be using it for political gain.

Nicole E. Kyle
