Lodging needed for musicians

Daily Staff Writer

Ames residents can play a part in making the Iowa Games a success by providing lodging for some of Iowa’s best singers and musicians.

Members of the Iowa State Fair Singers and Jazz Band, the featured entertainment for the Aug. 2 opening ceremonies of the Iowa Games, are in need of places to stay while in Ames.

The groups are comprised mostly of high school students from around the state. The Iowa State Singers and Jazz Band members will go with their host families after the opening ceremonies of the Iowa Games at about 10 p.m., and they will need to leave for their next destination by 9 a.m. the next morning.

Ames, as the host community, is required to provide lodging on the evening of Aug. 2, and breakfast on the morning of Aug. 3 for members of the groups. Host families must be able to accommodate a minimum of two students because ensemble members must stay in groups of two or more.

Those interested in hosting two or more of Iowa’s finest should call the Ames Convention and Visitors Bureau at 232-4032.