ISU deserves a break

To The Editor:

I would like to know what the big deal is about placing a fast food restaurant on central campus. The idea of being able to pick up a sandwich, fries and a drink on my way to class seems to be a novel idea.

I think the people who are against this whole idea of convenience are not really seeing the big picture.

I can understand how some people don’t like the idea of corporations purging into public education, but that’s the way education has turned.

When state universities start to lose their state funding and also have declining enrollment numbers, they look to outside sources. Iowa State has received a lot of help from companies like Coca-Cola, Norwest, and Pioneer. If it weren’t for these and many other companies, Iowa State would not be as successful as it is today. Also these are the companies that hire Iowa State grads.

If McDonald’s wants to put a franchise on ISU’s campus, I believe that the company needs to put money back into the university, not through independent scholarships, but through programs that will benefit the entire enrollment at Iowa State University.

I hope that the “People Against Ronald McDonald” that protested

this in front of Beardshear decide to fully open their eyes and ears and

find out what the students want, not what they want.

Nate Clayberg


Journalism/Mass Communication