Quit throwing stones

To The Editor:

The 200 protesters that gathered in front of Beardshear may be thinking, “Hey, we don’t want a McDonald’s on campus,” yet when I

talked with friends and co-workers here on campus, I began to think that

the protesters were the only ones who didn’t want a McDonald’s on Campus.

They bring up issues like roaches and trash. I admit I am not up on the issues, but I believe there is a standard health code out there that all restaurants must follow, and I believe that this one will be the same.

As for trash, has anyone ever watched the McDonald’s on Welch and noticed an employee walking around with a stick and garbage sack?

They are combating the garbage to avoid a sticky mess and to be better members of the community.

As for relating this to the renaming of Catt Hall, in the case of Catt Hall there was plenty of notice on the renaming (you know, I think the drive to raise funds was the first clue, that and everyone referring to the building as the “New Catt Hall”), and if there were any questions, they should have been voiced last fall, not after the building was named.

And now in the case of McDonald’s in the Hub, the university went through all the channels to make their intentions known.

The information is out there for anyone who wants it. Just because a

letter wasn’t sent to every student does not mean we were not informed.

Did the protesters inform all the students that they were protesting the McDonald’s? I believe the protest, if successful, would affect as many students as when the McDonald’s moves to the Hub.

Come on everybody, quit throwing stones and work together within the channels set by BOTH the university and the students.

Tina Troutner


Computer Science