MU awarded vending contract

Jeff Lantz

Iowa State requested and received approval from the Iowa Board of Regents to award a new vending contract to the Iowa State Memorial Union for the ISU campus.

The Memorial Union will be in charge of all vending machines throughout the ISU campus.

The five-year contract begins July 26 and goes through July 26, 2001, with a renewal option for an additional three years.

“We plan to have about 250 new machines put in where they are needed around campus,” ISU Vice President of Business and Finance Warren Madden said.

The Memorial Union, which was picked from five bidders, will also start a Memorial Union Vending Scholarship.

“The scholarships will come from a portion of the revenues. We’re not sure how to decide who gets these scholarships yet — that will be worked out later,” Madden said.

A part of the contract allows for a majority of the new machines to be fitted with equipment allowing students to use their ISU card to pay for food.

“A majority of the machines will be fitted for use of the ISU card, and there will be more of a variety of foods available,” Madden said.