Decisions, decisions

To The Editor:

Having just recently joined an on-line service that supports Netscape, I took the opportunity to check out the Daily’s homepage and find out what’s happening on campus while most students are away for the summer. What I found rather concerned me.

I find it intriguing that decisions such as whether to put a McDonald’s restaurant in the Hub or the decision to shorten winter break and change spring break have been or are being made in the absence of the very people it will affect — the students.

I understand the time constraints placed on making these decisions, but I fear that by excluding the students who are not at ISU during the summer, more time will have to be spent in debate and argument over these issues when the students return and the decisions have already been made.

I became aware of these issues only because I am fortunate enough to have Internet access during the summer; many other students are not so fortunate.

All that is necessary is for pending summer decisions to be publicized before students leave for the summer. It could serve as a valuable vehicle for encouraging students to actively shape their academic environment at the time when their opinions have impact … before the decisions are made.

Nancy Holcroft



Ed. note: University calendar planning decisions are made during the fall and spring semesters years in advance by the ISU Calendar Committee.