Opera vocalist to give free concert

Diane S. Kockler

Never let it be said there isn’t any culture in central Iowa. Gayle Hartwig, vocalist extraordinaire, is bringing 150 years of operatic history to the stage for a free performance tonight.

Des Moines Metro Arts has been working hard to promote Iowa’s sesquicentennial this year. Hartwig’s program is geared toward celebrating the history of Iowa’s opera houses.

“We wanted to have a program with the theme of time travel. What better person than Gayle to bring the early opera houses to the stage. She’s an incredible talent,” executive director Tracy Levine said.

The title “Steam Heat, Gas Lamps, Hot Weiners and Opera” should be enough to pique one’s curiosity. At least that is what Hartwig hopes for.

“The title is odd because I took the program directly off of old opera performances. I recreate 10 female singers that came to the stage around the turn of the century and performed in the opera houses of Iowa,” Hartwig explained.

As the title suggests, audience members should expect a variety of music to be showcased. “The show will run the range from quite silly to quite serious. I’ll be doing everything from operatic arias to Anton Devoriak,” Hartwig said.

“This is going to be a great performance. Whoever stays away will be missing an incredible event,” Levine added.

Hartwig will be performing tonight on the Showmotion portable stage at Witmer Park, located at 34th and Witmer. The Des Moines Brass Quintet is scheduled to perform at 7 p.m. with Hartwig following at 7:45 p.m. Audience members are encouraged to bring blankets and lawn chairs. The performance is free and open to the public.