Academic honors continue to pile up for ISU

Drew Harris

The academic honors continue to “roll” in for Iowa State student-athletes as 117 Cyclone athletes were named to the Big Eight Conference 1995-96 End-of-the-Year Honor Roll.

Iowa State placed more members on the list than any other Big Eight school except Nebraska, which had 161 athletes recognized academically.

To qualify for the All-Conference list, student-athletes must receive a 3.0 GPA or better during the academic year and receive a varsity letter in their respective sport.

Leading the way for the Cyclones were the men’s and women’s track and swimming teams, which each placed 26 members on the honor roll.

Iowa State’s women’s swimming coach Ramsey Van Horn said it is very important having his athletes excel in the classroom.

Van Horn said that success in academics and athletics “go hand-in-hand.”

Van Horn said “care and concern about academics” is the biggest reason that his swimmers have been successful.

Van Horn added that recruiting successful high school student-athletes plays an important role also.

Eleven of the 27 women swimmers were named to the honor roll. The women’s swimming team had a combined GPA of 3.1 over the past academic year, and was ranked in the “excellent” category scholastically among NCAA swimming teams.

Van Horn said the team consistently has had double figures of athletes receive academic awards over the past few years.

As for the rest of the athletes named to the conference list, the ISU football and gymnastics teams each had nine members tabbed, while eight members of the baseball team received the academic accolades.

The men’s and women’s basketball team combined to place nine members on the list, seven golfers met the qualifications, as did six volleyball players.

Five athletes from the ISU softball team, five from the soccer teams, three wrestlers, and two members of the cross country team also met the academic and athletic standards.

The athlete with the highest grade point average was women’s basketball player Jayme Olson, who recorded a 3.97 GPA in psychology. Women’s soccer player Theresa Daniels and gymnast Kim Mazza followed with GPA’s of 3.96.

Athletes with GPAs of 3.93 included cross country competitor Erin Block, swimmers Catherin Oien and Stacey Sentyrz, and football player Jason Putz.