Sports Briefs

Daily Sports Staff

Iowa State men’s volleyball club member Joe Lundh has been named second-team club All-American.

Lundh finished ninth in the balloting. He led Iowa State to a 17th-place finish at the national championships at Toledo, Ohio. Ludh will be returning to Iowa State this season to lead the Cyclones.

Football coach Dan McCarney will remain Iowa State’s highest paid coach next year, although his salary increase will not be determined until Jan. 1.

On Tuesday, Iowa State released its salary increases for head coaches for 1997-98. Iowa and Northern Iowa officials released their increases last week at the Board of Regents meeting, but the ISU increases were not yet ready.

McCarney will receive $141,750 in the coming year, but officials said his raise for the following year will not be determined until the end of 1996. Tim Floyd, the Cyclones’ men’s basketball coach, will have a salary of $111,120 for 1997-98, a 2.25 percent increase over the coming year.

Both McCarney and Floyd, as well as some other coaches, also have supplemental income from other sources.

Athletic Director Gene Smith will receive a $116,000 salary, including a 3.0 percent ”merit” increase and a 6.4 percent ”market adjustment” raise. Men’s track coach Stephen Lynn received the only other market adjustment raise. His salary goes to $40,000 with a 9.15 percent merit raise and 7.0 percent market adjustment raise.