Video arcade becomes Duff Avenue coffeehouse

Diane S. Kockler

Out with the old, in with the new.

For Linda Van Horn, owner of Gregory’s Coffeehouse, that meant getting rid of a room full of video games and replacing them with an espresso maker and some blue and burgundy couches.

The folks down at Lin-Mar Miniature Golf and Games started making a few changes last fall. The golf course is located on the same property as the coffee shop.

“We were having a difficult time keeping up with all the new video games, so we knew something different was needed,” Van Horn said.

Van Horn and her husband have owned the property at 421 South Duff for six years. They decided to keep the miniature golf course and the batting cages open for business and turn the building space into an upscale coffee shop.

On May 8, 1996 Gregory’s Coffeehouse was born. This video arcade-turned-living room features love seats, overstuffed chairs, and long counters for reading the daily newspaper.

There is even a drive-up window open every morning for all those sleep-deprived business executives running late to work.

In addition to all of one’s favorite upscale coffees, Gregory’s offers Italian sodas and imported beer or wine. Van Horn also serves fruit plates, soups and sandwiches, along with popular desserts.

Available reading material runs the gamut fromThe Sporting News to People Magazine and the Des Moines Register.

“Our coffeehouse is open to families, including kids,” Van Horn said.

The family atmosphere was complete with a shelf filled with children’s books and a basket of toys and games.

Van Horn decided early on to make the coffeehouse a non-smoking environment.

“I’ve had many customers comment on the cozy atmosphere. I tried to make it as close to someone’s living room as I could,” Van Horn said.

Nancy Miller, a marketing consultant at Val-Pak, has become a regular at Gregory’s.

“It’s convenient for business lunches because it’s such a nice atmosphere. I’ve found that it’s a really nice place to take clients to,” Miller said.

Gregory’s Coffeehouse is open at 6:30 a.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. during the weekend. The drive-up window is open weekly at 6:30 to 10 a.m.

For more information call 233-6045 or stop by at 421 South Duff.