Non-student computer use leads to new restrictions

Daily Staff Writer

Anyone who has attempted to use the computer labs in Atanasoff Hall may have been confronted with strict, new regulations.

Jim Schlosser, manager of systems support and a systems analyst, said Iowa State students are now required to set up a special account and verify whether they are ISU students before logging onto the computers in Atanasoff Hall.

“The use of the ISU computer labs by non-students is a growing problem,” Schlosser said.

ISU has had non-students using the facilities for some time, but it became a problem with the start of the summer session, he said.

“We had people loading games up on the computer and not cleaning up after themselves,” Schlosser said. The staff spent hours cleaning up after these non-student users to get the lab prepared for class, he said. Dennis Engholm, manager of computer labs, said winter break and summer session are when most of the problems occur.