Rec services offers relief from summer boredom

Jeff Lantz

For students trying to find excitement in Ames this summer, the ISU Recreation Services may be the solution.

The rec services office has several workshops and trips planned throughout the rest of the summer in a variety of different fields.

Among the workshops that are available to students and faculty are: rock climbing near Madrid, Iowa, July 17, orienteering on July 23, sailing on July 24, bicycle repair on July 25, rappelling near Madrid on July 30 and waterskiing at Saylorville reservoir on Aug 6.

The workshops are intended to instruct in the basics of each activity and then allow the participants to try the activity. There is a small fee for each workshop and enrollment is limited.

Rec services will also sponsor a caving trip to Maquoketa Caves State Park in northeast Iowa July 20-21. The cost for the trip is $31 for students and $59 for faculty and staff. The fee covers equipment, transportation, instruction and most food. A $15 registration deposit is required.

One extended trip will be available Aug. 3-10 when rec services takes a group kayaking through Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in northern Wisconsin on Lake Superior. Cost for the trip is $225 for students and $270 for faculty and staff. Enrollment is limited to nine participants.

If you already know how to do these activities, rec services can still be of help. Outdoor equipment rental is another important function of the rec services department.

Equipment available for rent includes canoes, sailboats, rowboats, tents, dinning flies, backpacks, sleeping bags, stoves, game equipment and much more.

“We also have a library of books and magazines that may be of help to people,” said Tim Bersie of rec services.

Videos, maps and information on federal, state, and county outdoor recreation resource areas are also available at the rec services office at Room 43 in the Armory, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Sundays from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.