Different cultures to be presented in Cafe Au Lait

Kris Fettkether

One of the last chances for a bit of culture this summer happens Friday night. The Student Union Board will host Cafe Au Lait at the Maintenance Shop featuring contemporary and classical traditions of culture.

“Cafe Au Lait has been sponsored by SUB for a long time,” Neelika Perreira, cultural director of SUB said of the event. “It’s a good way to bring together people of all cultures for a good time.”

Perreira said that while Cafe Au Lait stresses presenting entertainment of different cultures, everyone is welcome and encouraged to come. “There’s something for everyone,” she said. “It’s not just for international students.”

What makes this roster of performances stand-out from former shows is the dancing Perreira said. “There’s a lot of dancing,” she said. “Ballroom, salsa and even marcarana.”

Alma Castillo and her partner will trip the light fantastic with such favorites like the fox trot, salsa and others.

Other performances include poetry, singing, piano playing and time permitting, Perreira herself will read some of her works.

Cafe Au Lait is free and open to the public with coffee and snacks provided. Children are also welcome. Performances are set to begin at 8 p.m. For more information on this and future Cafe Au Lait performances call the Student Union Board at 294-8081.