New Carrie Chapman Catt Center director named

Kristin Kernen

Starting July 1, Dianne G. Bystrom will assume the duties of director of Iowa State’s Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics.

Bystrom will take the place of Mary Ann Tetreault, who left the position in May 1995 to give more time to research and teaching activities. Jennifer Smyser had filled the position as interim program coordinator for the center in Tetreault’s absence.

“The post [of director] coordinates academic and outreach activities,” said College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean Elizabeth Hoffman. “Diane Bystrom will be conducting research on women and politics as well as education programs and seminars and also teaching some classes.”

Bystrom has earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in journalism, and a Ph.D. in communication. She has written about gender issues in political and mass communication, specifically in political advertising and media coverage of female political candidates.

Bystrom previously served as assistant provost at the University of Oklahoma from 1988 to 1995. She also worked as a research associate with the University of Oklahoma Political Communication Center.

As the director of the Catt Center, Bystrom will coordinate fund-raising, acquire and supervise research grants, work with students and faculty doing research projects, establish relationships between the center and women in politics, and oversee center conferences and workshops.

The Catt Center coordinates and sponsors a wide variety of activities for both a campus audience and the outside community throughout the year. A political conference is held annually, along with other small conferences held during the year.

On campus, the center sponsors a lecture series. Catt Associates, a student organization affiliated with the center, helps organize lectures. During the summer, the center organizes a workshop for high school students focusing on leadership and politics. Bystrom will coordinate all of these activities and take on all responsibilities of the Catt Center.

“Bystrom also is in charge of the Legacy of Heroines Scholarship for young women associated with the Catt Center,” Hoffman said.

Bystrom, who is still living in Norman, Oklahoma, could not be reached for comment.