Davis clouds the issue

To The Editor:

I must respond to the editorial “Just how liberal is the media?” which appeared last week in the Daily.

Mr. Davis is correct in his general theme that conservative elements may be found in various arenas of today’s media.

He has missed the point, however, of the “liberal media” concern, by including entertainment media in his analysis.

Mr. Davis has clouded the issue by selectively including non-news media arenas (such as talk radio), in which conservatives have managed a small foothold.

But entertainment media is NOT what proponents of objective news

reporting are concerned with. We proponents of objective news reporting are no more concerned with the right-leaning Limbaugh or Reagan expressing their opinions, than we are with leftist leaners such as Louis

Farrakhan or Ricki Lake expressing theirs.

We ARE concerned with the outright hypocrisy of today’s news media.

Let me be more specific. In a recent survey of news journalists, the vast majority stated their political beliefs are either “moderate” or “liberal.”

What is terrifying to proponents of objective news reporting is that these same folks hide behind the guise of objectivity on the front page each morning and on the small screen each evening.

The conclusion is this: For each Limbaugh there is a Winfrey; for each John Malone there is a Ted Turner; for each Charlton Heston there are multiple Ted Danson and Barbra Streisand types; and for The Washington Times and The Wall Street Journal there is The New York Times, the USA Today, The Washington Post, and the entire Associated Press organization.

But is there an objective equivalent for Dan Rather, for Scott Simon,

for Doug Limerick or for Wolf Blitzer?


Jim Foreman

